With SmuginForiPhoto, you can upload your images and videos from iPhoto to SmugMug.
- The caption can be generated from the image/movie version name and/or description.
- The caption can be edited directly for each image/movie being uploaded.
- The keywords to be set on SmugMug can be edited.
- Any keywords used are remembered and auto-completion is provided for keywords.
- The destination gallery can be selected from a list or a hierarchical menu based on the gallery category and subcategory details.
- New galleries can be created either using the SmugMug default values or from user defined gallery templates.
- New categories and subcategories can be created.
- SmuginForiPhoto uses Growl (if installed) for status notifications.
- Each image can be exported to a different gallery if required.
- Keywords can be automatically included or excluded from all exported images.
You can download the full version of SmuginForiPhoto and try it without purchasing a license. However in demo mode the plugin has some limitations:
- You can only upload 50 images at a time.
- The demo will expire after 30 days.
- Each image will have SmuginForiPhoto added as a keyword in the exported image.